On the first of June 2016, a majority of Croatian cities protested for an urgent implementation of comprehensive curricular reform of the Croatian school system, which intended to abandon the outdated curricula, methods and programs and modernise education in Croatia. The demonstration was initiated by a civic initiative Croatia Can Do Better – Support the Comprehensive Curricular Reform. Members of Kombinat expressed their support by making two posters for Croatian Designers in Action, who supported the initiative and its demands. Leo Kirinčić and Mirna Gurdon produced a poster called Veni, Vidi, Viči as a reference to the famous Latin phrase Veni, vidi, vici (eng. I came, I saw, I conquered). As such it either expresses support for the initiative, or serves as an invitation to citizens to protest i.e. support comprehensive curricular reform.
The poster also displayed Julius Caesar holding a book as a symbol of victory i.e. a successfully implemented reform of the Croatian education system.
Lea Jurin produced a poster called Comprehensive curriculum vs. Redikulum (ridiculous). It is a personal reflection on how comprehensive curricular reform became controversial, and the events leading up to the demonstration.
Comprehensive curricular reform of the Croatian school system was successfully stopped, despite the support for its implementation that was expressed by tens of thousands of people that gathered on the 1st of June. It is not known when it will be implemented.