Days of Health and Drops of Life are projects run by Faculty Committee of All Students of Medical Faculty in Rijeka (FOSS-MedRi). Project Days of Health involves volunteer work done by students who, with their knowledge and practical skills, contribute to the prevention of development of cardiovascular illnesses (students meausure blood pressure, level of glucose in blood, perform EKG). The goal of the project is for students to learn how to approach patients in order to develop trust, while in the same time making them practice their professional services in the area of medicine and interpretations of results under the supervision of their older colleagues. Project Drops of Life involves students themselves donating blood. The goal of the project is raising awareness among the young generations on the relevance of donating blood, and to encourage students to continue to donate blood. FOSS-MedRi decided to unite the visuals for the projects Days of Health and Drops of Life under the same visual identity, but with the variations in the name. Kombinat was employed to create a sign that could support both projects and exist without the descriptions of the actions (as a symbol).
Two colors were chosen: first, red as an emotional and intensive color that draws attention to itself, and is considered to be the color of fire, love and blood; and second, as a perfect opposite, black, as a calm and balanced color that would separate relevant information. The typography chosen as appropriate for the illustrations features rounded edges, and appears friendly and warm. The visual has a youthful, distinct, simple character. All the main elements of the project activities are conveyed (blood pressure measuring, sugar measuring, donating blood, educating citizens, etc) by the way of every illustration in the logo being connected to a certain activity: the drop of blood symbolizes donating blood, the heart symbolizes the generosity of students, the puls symbolizes life, pills symbolize health, the book symbolizes knowledge, the stethoscope symbolizes check-up, etc. All the elements are gathered in a circle, which in turn symbolizes the circle of life.