
TimeFebruary - March 2016
Locationthe city of Zagreb
ClientAmtest d.o.o.
TeamMirna Gurdon / Marko Luka Zubčić / Ivan Vranjić / Nina Delanović
Briefphotography / catalogue / SMT industry

Amtest is a leading regional supplier in the SMT industry whose aim is to distribute the latest technology to the very demanding and fast-growing market of South Eastern Europe. Kombinat has been hired to create photos for Amtest’s website, a catalogue as well as the design and layout of the catalogue for their products and services.

Photos of the logo on a red background with a simple white lettering are dominant on the front page. An illustration pattern is made on the inner cover of Amtest’s layouts. A dominant red colour that highlights the title/name of the series and manufacturer is used for the header.

A greyish background has been used on all the product photos to make them more unified. A caption with the name of the product located in a particular content unit is found next to the photos as well as a general description of the product. The typography is simple and modern. The layout with the photos (without text) follows after some units to further emphasize the diversity of supply and quality. The locations of Amtest’s offices are marked on a map that is located on the last page.

Graphic design: